The Writing Center has Teams Teams that work to further our mission of helping writers across DePaul and beyond. Writing Center teams are designed to explore new and better ways to support writers and writing, increase the Writing Center’s visibility, advance knowledge, and contribute to the field of writing center studies.

🖇️ Teams Overview

Teams include Workshops, Outreach, and the Collaborative for Multilingual Writing & Research (CMWR). Each team has a limited number of spots for members based on their goals and initiatives.
New Writing Center tutors (with the exception of GAs) cannot join a team their first quarter of employment. They devote their time to developing as writing tutors. New tutors, however, are encouraged to participate in Writing Center team events to learn more about teams and become more involved in different Writing Center initiatives.

🤝 Joining a Team

Prior to each quarter, team leaders set any team meeting date and time, decide if team meeting availability is a requirement for membership, and define an ideal number of team members for that quarter’s work.
Tutors in their second quarter of employment or later can then apply for teams via the quarterly scheduling survey distributed by the heads. The survey will ask you to rank which teams you are requesting to be on, articulate your interest in each team, and describe any relevant experience you might bring to the team.
Why You May Not Be Placed on a Team
If you apply for 1 or more team(s) but are not assigned to any, Writing Center administrators will contact you and explain why you were not assigned to a team. In most cases when you are not assigned to a team, it is simply because you were not available to attend a team’s required weekly meeting or because your scheduled hours at the Writing Center are too limited and needed to be allocated to tutoring.