Each graduate assistant (GA) assigned to the Writing Center works as a Writing Center TutorWriting Center Tutor. GAs also have the opportunity to apply to be a Student Leader, assisting with one of our Writing Center Teams Teams or program initiatives. Every GA takes Writing, Rhetoric, & Discourse (WRD) 582: Writing Center Theory & Pedagogy their first quarter working for the Writing Center.

Position Description

All Writing Center GAs are graduate students in the Writing, Rhetoric, & Discourse (WRD) or English (ENG) departments on an assistantship (tuition waiver + stipend).
GAs typically work at the Writing Center 14 hours/week during each of the 10 weeks in Winter & Spring Quarters. GAs who are assigned another GA posistion in their home department will work half of their hours there and the other 7 hours/week in the Writing Center. Autumn Quarter work obligations MAY begin later than week 1 and all GAs will be informed of their expected start date for Autumn Quarter work.
GAs are paid on a stipend (distributed bi-weekly) from your assigned department, but are still expected to report stipend hours on BlueSky.
Choosing A Student Leader Position
Writing Center GAs declare a preference (if any) for work positions for each academic year mid-Autumn quarter. As a first-year GA, you are eligible to apply for a Student Leader position upon successful completion of initial tutor training.
GAs have first priority for a range of Student Leader positions you may add to your work as a Writing Center tutor (splitting weekly hours between the two roles). GAs may choose to work all 14 weekly stipend hours as Writing Center tutors; you are not obligated to work as a student leader.
Differences Between First-Year & Second-Year Writing Center GAs
First-year Writing Center GAs
(unless you have previously worked at the Writing Center as an undergraduate)
  • Take WRD 582: Writing Center Theory & Pedagogy course during Autumn Quarter
  • Complete writing center tutor training during Autumn Quarter
Second-year Writing Center GAs
  • Help train new Writing Center tutors each Autumn quarter through collaborative observations
  • Mentor first-year GAs by building connections, answering questions, & assisting in their onboarding and/or role transition
Graduate Assistantship InformationGraduate Assistantship Information