Workplace Expectations & Protections

Workplace expectations & protections create a workplace for you that is reasonable and fair.
As administrators, we want to be transparent and equitable about the expectations we have for staff members and for each of you to understand the protections you have as a student employee. This handbook includes specific and detailed expectations, policies, and protections; some overarching and important expectations, policies, and protections include the following:
  • You have the right to a workplace free from harassment or discrimination
  • You have the right to work with the Office of Student Employment and/or DePaul Human Resources to request reasonable accommodations based on the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • You have the right to terminate employment at any time and for any reason
  • Administrators will be fair and timely in providing feedback
  • Administrators will work to create a culture where everyone is guided by love and respect in resolving any issues that may arise during the course of your shifts
  • You can contact administrators about any issue you have related to your work
  • When you are assigned work beyond scheduled tutoring appointments, you will receive clear guidelines and support for accomplishing and meeting expectations

🙊 Expectations of Behavior

In an effort to provide a healthy and safe environment for everyone who uses our services or enters our physical and virtual spaces—staff, writers, instructors, etc.—we expect anyone using our services and interacting with our student employees and staff members to refrain from unacceptable behaviors that violate DePaul's Code of Conduct, Code of Student Responsibility, Anti-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy & Procedures, Student Handbooks, and other relevant University Policies and those that pose a threat to the rights or safety of other writers, students, instructors, or staff.
Unacceptable Behaviors
We consider unacceptable behaviors that unnecessarily impair the efficient and effective delivery of high-quality writing support —including but not limited to:
  1. Committing malicious or aggressive verbal communications or actions
  1. Exhibiting inappropriate physical contact with, or sexual harassment of others
  1. Using intimidating, threatening, vulgar, demeaning, disrespectful, discourteous, and/or abusive language and/or behaviors toward, or in the presence of writers, visitors, employees, and /or tutors
  1. Possession of firearms or any weapon
  1. Physical assault, arson, or inflicting bodily harm
  1. Intentionally damaging equipment or property
  1. Raising voice to the level of disrupting others or interfering with office procedures
  1. Racial or cultural slurs or other derogatory remarks associated with, but not limited to, race, language, or sexuality
If you are subjected to any of these behaviors or witness inappropriate behavior, please report to any administrator or student manager.
Violators are subject to removal from the office or online appointments and/or, pending a review of appropriate behavior with an administrator, suspension of their account. Any violations of the Code of Conduct or Code of Student Responsibility will be reported using the processes described in these Codes and, for DePaul students, the Student Conduct Process.

❌ Anti-Discrimination & Harassment

Anyone in the DePaul University community, including any Writing Center student employee or staff member, is affected by the Anti-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy & Procedures, which protect each of us from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation and detail the various procedures for reporting violations of this policy. See the full policy for details, related policy, and reporting procedures.
It is the policy of DePaul University that no person shall be the object of discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, family relationship status, physical or mental disability, military status, genetic information or other status protected by local, state, or federal law in its employment or its educational settings. DePaul University reserves the right to take actions that are consistent with its policies and procedures to deal with individuals found to have engaged in harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation in violation of this policy.

📜 Title IX

As a student employee of the Writing Center, you are protected and bound by DePaul's Formal Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy & Procedures and Sexual & Relationship Violence Prevention & Response.
DePaul University is committed to providing an environment that is free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual and relationship violence. Every member of the DePaul university community has the right to safety from the threat of sexual and relationship violence.

📣 How to Report

To report allegations of sex or gender-based discrimination, harassment, or violence (including sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking) that take place during your work at the Writing Center, contact Katie Brown via Slack or, if you prefer for any reason to do this on your own, you can submit a report yourself. You can also submit a report via phone (312-362-8970) or email (

♿ Accommodation Policy

If you have an identified medical condition or disability that affects your ability to perform any of the essential functions of your job as outlined in A Tutor’s Obligations, the Peer Writing Tutor job description, or any Student Leadership position you have, we will absolutely work with you to make reasonable accommodations.
Page 3 of DePaul's Accommodation Policy; Disability and Pregnancy describes how any student employee (or full- or part-time employee) can make a "Disability Request": If an employee has identified a medical condition/disability that affects his or her ability to perform the essential functions of the job he or she should begin the interactive process by completing the disability employee accommodation request form and sending it to
Upon receiving notification from DePaul's Office of Human Resources, the Writing Center will work with HR to make any reasonable accommodation—defined as "modifications or adjustments to the work environment or the job application process necessary to enable a qualified individual with a disability to be considered for a position, to perform the essential functions of the job, or to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment"—that we can.

📣 How to Report Violations

Should you experience writers, co-workers, instructors, or anyone else violating the Code of Conduct or the Code of Responsibility during your work, Associate Director for Operations Management Katie Brown can help you report a violation, access resources, and otherwise offer you guidance and support. Division of Student Affairs Instructions for Reporting Violations: To report a possible violation of the code to the Dean of Students office (DOS) for further review and possible conduct action, please Report it now. These incident reports are for reporting non-critical or non-emergency incidents. If you have an emergency situation, please call 911 or Public Safety:
  • Lincoln Park, 773-325-7777
  • Loop, 312-362-8400
Screenshot taken 09.22.20 of the Incident Reporting Form used by the Dean of Students office
Screenshot taken 09.22.20 of the Incident Reporting Form used by the Dean of Students office
Students may not engage in behavior that threatens or harms, or that may reasonably be expected to threaten or harm, other people. Students may not engage in behavior that is dangerous, destructive, or disorderly.”
Conduct that may violate this policy includes, but is not limited to:
  1. Physically harming another person, either intentionally or by taking actions that create a substantial risk of physical harm to another person.
  1. Threatening to physically harm another person.
  1. Causing significant emotional harm through bullying or other means.
  1. Disrupting the peace.
  1. Impeding the business operations of the University.”
Screenshot taken 09.22.20 of the full Disorderly, Violent, Intimidating or Dangerous Behavior policy webpage
Screenshot taken 09.22.20 of the full Disorderly, Violent, Intimidating or Dangerous Behavior policy webpage
  • Concerns about discrimination or harassment on the basis of a variety of protected characteristics are addressed by the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity through the Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Procedures
  • Concerns based on sexual violence, sexual harassment, or other sex discrimination (Title IX) are addressed through the DePaul's Title IX Coordinator located in the Office of Institutional Diversity. Detailed information is available on the Office of Public Safety website or in the Code of Student Responsibility section of the University Catalog.
Screenshot taken 09.22.20 of the top of the Complaints and Grievances policy webpage
Screenshot taken 09.22.20 of the top of the Complaints and Grievances policy webpage